20 something on the run

just living, running, and eating it all up in DC!

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Phil a delphiaaaaaa Marathon Weekend!

Friday night- I packed my bags and was headed home for a whole 9 days. I haven’t been home this long or taken off more then 3 days of work at a time since college break… needless to say I was counting down the days all week. I arrived home around 10:30pm on Friday and was greeted with a nice glass of champagne all before I put my bags down.  I caught up a bit with the parents but was ready for bed.

Saturday-My dad poked fun of me that I brought my own pre-race food with me at breakfast, “You brought your own food?” (I am not that person but I guess I was). Mom and I did a little birthday shopping before she dropped me off at Paoli Train Station so I could head into Philly to get my race packet. I actually met this girl on the train who went to the same high school. She graduated a few years earlier but must have overheard me talking to my sister about the marathon. “You’re running tomorrow!? That’s awesome!” she said and we and we wound up talking the whole way. She was headed to DC of all places.

I arrived at the Pennsylvania Convention Center around 5:30pm… grabbed the packet… (persuaded a volunteer to let me switch my tech shirt for a smaller size) and headed to my friend Mary’s apartment. Money was well spent- the goodie bag was awesome.

Getting pumped at packet pick up

Mary graciously hosted me overnight-not only hosted me overnight, but made me chicken parm with penne pasta to help me carb load, AND planned a post brunch with all our friends and some of my family! She’s so awesome and a great cook. We picked up some supplies for the brunch the next day I made the french toast souffle again. She made a great egg cassarole (my mom went crazy over it… still gotta get the recipe). It was nice to catch up with her and our friends Alix and Michelle that night and relax. Alix’s friend Aliyah was also running the half the next day… we chatted like giddy girls on what we were wearing the next day, eating for breakfast (both oatmeal and banana!) and  agreed to meet and walk together to the start line. I laid everything out for the next day. It was like getting ready for the first day of school but it took me a little while to get to bed because I was excited (I even sprung out of bed at 4:46am thinking it was go time…. thankfully I had another hour of sleep).


Sunday: 5:45 am it was game time! I geared and fueled up and headed out the door at 6:15am. The weather was perfect, it was a little below 50 degrees-zero humidity. I was pumped! I have never seen a city more awake at 6:15am.. “GOOD MORNINGGGG GOOD LUCK TODAY!”, on going marathoners were greeting me. I met Aliyah at 22nd and Chestnut (where we would later run by around mile 7) We were both excited, yet a little nervous and kept telling each other, “It’s just running… it’st just going for a long run.” We bonded with strangers and first time marathoners in the neverending porta potty line.

Art Museum..


Finallllllllllly around 7:35am it was go time.


Aliyah and I started together and then broke apart. We went at our own, yet similar paces. Dodging most people for the first couple of miles and taking in the scenery.

Good morning Mr Ben Franlin Bridge.. at Mile 2


This guy carried the flag the entire way...


I ran the first 7 miles effortlessly (it was like almost too good…)  I spotted Alix and Mary right around mile 7 waving and cheering me on!


Happy to see Mary!


My 10K time texted me (yes my mom signed up myself to track myself….accidently) that I was running  at a 10:34 pace and an estimate finish time would be 2:18 mins. AWESOME, just where I wanted to be… but could I keep it up? I text my family who was on their way and planned on meeting me around mile 10 in Fairmont Park, “Half way done.” My mom called a bit paniced, “Ugh, your halfway done?… okay haa well we are on the Expressway!” I didn’t think I was going to see them… luckily miles 8-9 were quite hilly and almost everyone was walking as we entered Fairmont park. NOOOO DO NOT WALK!.. I pushed up the hill and read the movitation signs… “Almost there! GET that Hill!” ” This blows”,  I thought.

I text my bro in law on where to find them-“at the avenue of the republic… once you hear the drums you’ll see us.” Turning around the bend (good thing I took my headphones out…) I spotted Mom (eagerly jumping with a sign that said “GET IT GIRL!”), Chrissy, Patrick and Maura. Mom jumped me while I was still running, Chrissy threw her hands up in the air like a crazy person, while trying to get a photo, and Patrick ran with Maura beside me to wish me good luck as I finished up the last three mile. Poor Maura she had no clue what was going and thought everyone was running away from something scary.

“Last three miles…it’s just a 5k. Piece of cake”, I thought….well it wasn’t. I was starting to crash and get grumpy at mile 11.

My mom called me to tell me they had parked near Mary’s apartment. “Where are you?!” she said.

“Mile 11… I think”…I sluggishly said.

“Still!?” (thanks a lot mom.)

I was started to feel defeated but laughed when Patrick sent me this text:  a picture of a four pack of Allagash White-“your prize but you gotta finish strong.”

I slugged back some water and popped a caffeeine gel despite the fact my stomach hurt. I wanted to vomit, but I think I just needed to hydrate.

The signs seperating the full marathoners and the half were encouraging. “At least its over in a mile”, I told myself reaching mile 12….”26.2 thats for suckers!”

The crowds were wild heading toward the finish for over a 1/4 mile. I gave it all I could and sprinted and sprinted…. and sprinted…. I think I actually shouted, “WHERE THE HELL IS THE FINISH?!” as strangers cheered me on. “YOU GOT THIS COLLEEN!!” “GO COLLEEN, ALMOST THERE”.

“Wait are my friends here? How do they know my name?” I thought.  Then it registered.. my bib had my name on it (ohh, that’s why they do that. Hah good idea).

I remember smiling big for the camera as I crossed the finish. I’ll be excited when that photo is e-mailed to me hah.

Final Time: 2:25…. I was a little dissapointed (not gonna lie). I ran my first half in 2:22.

Post race

Brunch at Marys was awesome. I got to catch up with all my family and friends from home. I am really blessed for my health, happiness, friends and family (they are LE BEST!)


Maura tried stretching.. for about .05 seconds

My godson Liam and I


Liams car is a lot cooler then your medal Aunt Coll

On sad note: two runners died of apparent heart attacks at the marathon. One was a 21 year old male after he crossed the half marathon finish. Another was a 40 year old male who collapsed 1/4 mile before the finish. Thoughts and prayers with their families.

Good news: I am not hurting today!

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Pulling a Rocky!

Maybe it’s the spirit of the Philadelphia Marathon starting and ending at the Philadelphia Art Museum. Maybe… it’s motivation to get fit arms for Kristen’s wedding in May. Maybe it’s because I have wanted to do this for about a year and have yet to. Maybe it’s because I feel the need to kick a little ass every once and a while. Maybe it’s because there was a bloomspot deal…(that’s probably it) $50 for unlimited boxing at LA Boxing. Once I get back to DC my coworker Diana and I are on the quest to box. Dun dun dun!

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I am a walking catastrophe…

also a sitting catastrophe.. my hair is in my tea. Setting the scene for this post: This morning en route to the office I had a minor mishap-I looked like I wet myself.

But let’s rewind… last night I came home from our work HH dinner (or diet coke and salmon terriyakki), decompressed watching Modern Family, and thought about what I should pack for my whole week off from work! My self diagnosed ADD went from pack my bags to pack my lunch….and dinner. I really hate to waste food and money so I thought I would make the rest of the chicken breast I had left in the fridge before it goes bad. I am heading to a movie after work with a friend and wanted to avoid buying food (especially any greasy bar food) before the movie-there go packed dinner. Winning right? Not so muchhhh.

I just make the bus this morning… woot! I even got a seat. After I replied to Lettie’s e-mail, I feel a slight wetness on me. I think, “hmmm what is that?” My lunch bag totally leaked and when I picked it up (bad choice)… EVERYWHERE all down my pants (maybe even on the women sitting next to me…sorry lady but she was kinda half sitting in my seat :-/)!

“Jesus, Mary and Joesph…”, I think.  I don’t panic. I don’t even sigh or hang my head. I do take off the pashmina I slung around my neck last minute and let it hang over my legs to cover all the wetness. I get off the bus and quickly try to determine “Can I pull off these wet pants all day?  How bad is it? Ohh it’s bad.  People saw even with my attempt to conceal the wetness?  They definitely think I wet myself at almost 25. Am I going to smell? Am I going to have to go home and change?” My prepared save money/eat well plan backfired, or so I think.  I basically run across the street into the McDonalds bathroom to take humiliating coverage and access the situation. I have determined:

1) I am going to be late for work.

2.) My love for hand driers in this situation. Thank goodness no one walked in as I balanced on one leg trying to dry each pant leg off.

3.) Nothing manages to be wet in my bag but the bag… the contained is dry.. nothing else is wet! Banana, oatmeal, yogurt, and salad with chicken breast! ALL DRY. I KNEW I LOCKED THAT CONTAINER ON RIGHT! How does this happen? I’m infuriated. I aggressively chuck the lunch bag in the trash like I was trashing an ex boyfriends photo–the rage… the fury.

4.) BUTTTTT… I have another bag in my purse– my Navy Five Miler packet pick up bag! I knew it was a good idea to buy that large purse and leave way too much junk in it.  Stash the lunch and dinner in there and out the door.

5.) Now…I am looking at my lunch and thinking… I don’t even want you after all of that. I feel the more prepared I tried to be the more of a hot mess I become. Happy Thursday!

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Sometimes I get a good feeling—24 miles in before taper time…

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah I get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no…

Listen NOW: Good Feeling-Flo Rida– Totally pumping this song up at the start of the Philly Half Marathon this SUNDAY!

Last Monday- I started off my long run (to make up for no long runs on Sat or Sun). I ran home from work (yes, I’m a freak but I got to use the flashlight application on my i-phone for a little!) I ran Gtown to the Lincoln, to WWII Memorial, to the Washington, to Memorial Bridge, to Trail to Roosevelt Island (never doing that again I was sprinting it was uber creepy and not safe) Rosslyn Hills to Ballston and back… It was 10 miles exactly- I am not gonna lie I amazed myself. I am becoming better at guesstimating  miles.

Quick Stop at the WWII Memorial... love this memorial

I have also learned that miles 7 through 9 are the worst. I am definitely on the struggle bus at that point. Chrissy called me right at mile 7 on Sunday and I was thankful that I could laugh at her. She was telling me about how she was super upset her hubby wanted the last of the leftover pizza for his friend.

Patty B: “Chrissy can’t you eat the Ellios pizza, Joe is coming over. We don’t have anyyyyy groceries, yet you just spent $250 on groceries”
Chrissy: “WHY DOES HE GET THE GOOD PIZZA! No really why don’t youuuu take the Ellios. Why do I get the crap pizza?!”

(Hilarious- I was laughing like a looney on Memorial Bridge and because I was a bit of a looney the night before…)

She felt better when I said I had a breakdown when trying to order Crazy, Stupid, Love on demand. It  wasn’t working, and was asking for a purchase pin number (what the hell is that?! I did not set that shit up!)… called Comcast through a little fit.  It takes a lot for me to get upset but I had moment. I am sorry but it was Friday and I was tired. All I wanted to do was get some pizza, bake some goodies, drink some wine, and watch Ryan Gosling… I mean the movie.  I LOATHE COMCAST!!!!! But the man was really nice and fixed the problem and agreed with me… that’s all I ask for when I am acting like a lunatic.

Knowing your closest people in life get looney sometimes is encouraging… well it was encouraging for all of mile 7. hah

11 miles were completed and I didn’t feel too defeated. I did have to grab a sugar free red bull before I went out to celebrate Kyle and Christophes b-day that night though.

You are probably thinking… hmm she can’t do math… 10+11=21 miles… I got up one morning before work and hit a 3 miler yay for not being so dark out any more due to daylight savings.

Phewwww bring on the taper time 🙂


National Race to End Womens Cancer 8K

November 6th was the National Race to End Womens Cancer-what a great cause! My kickball girls Shanna and Laura joined me for the cause.


Pre Race!

It was really scary to see how many women (especially  late 20’s early 30s!) not only had cancer but survived! The  woman who won the women’s category also won the survivors category!  What a triumph! Overall, it got me thinking to not take health for granted and what a great year of running as done for my health.  I thought of my moms best friend who is an ovarian cancer survivor!

The weather was great and I ran it faster then my Navy 5 Miler (ugh that was such a muggy day!) However the course wasn’t mapped out quite to scale. All of our run trackers went off- “You have reached 5 miles…” and we still weren’t all that close to crossing the finish! Oh well.

Final results:  50:35 with a pace of 10:11


Post race thumbs up.. now the sun is out!

After the race we brunched at Gordon Bierch! I got some egg scrambler thing with potatoes-hit the spot!

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The 5am latte and a bit of folk for a Saturday morning…

By 8:30 am Saturday morning, I had made a pot roast and homemade latte…woah nelly who am I?! I was up early enough to catch VH1’s Jump Start (lol reminds me of college getting ready for class) and discovered a new band The Head and the Heart-Lost in My Mind . It was catchy, cute, fallish music-I spotified later.  Anyways, Trader Joes Cookbook Skinny Dish-so far as been a hit! I tested out the 5am latte or in my case the 8am latte.

The 5am latte:

1 Cup of vanilla almond milk (soy and lactose free woot!-because I can’t eat soy)

Dash of cinnamon

brew your favorite coffee or espresso (I used Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut)

Just microwave the almond milk with cinnamon for 1 minute and then pour the coffee on top! Yummmm

There was one lonely apple left… I made oatmeal with apple chunks, almonds, and a splash of almond milk  for some pre-run fuel! Ran a light 3 miler before race day.

5 am latte and oatmeal

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Crockpottiness-Pot Roast

In an attempt to be domesticated I made my first ever pot roast. Janelle let me use her “baby” aka the crock pot.

Last Friday Night… (now I’m singing Katy Perry in my head) I had a drink with the coworkers and had an epiphany mid sip my Allagash White.  I spotted the Whole Foods right next to Circa in Foggy Bottom and  remembered I had my living social deal $10 for $20. JACKPOT… I needed ingredients for my promised pot roast.

You need:

well a crock pot…

3-4 lb chuck roast

4 smallish potatoes- unpeeled and cut in chunks (despite being Irish I am not the hugest potato person)

3-4 carrots- cut up

1 large yellow onion cut in half

1 cup of beef broth

salt and peppaaaa

How to you say?

Season the roast with salt and pepper (or any other spice you like I used a bit of basil). Then add a bit of olive oil to a pan on your stove up to brown the roast on both sides. Remove the roast once it browns on both sides. Add the beef broth to pan to heat. Place your diced veggies in the crock pot…

Veggies.. Yumm

Place the roast on top of the veggies, and pour the broth on top of the roast.

Chucky chuck roast 😉

Cook on low for about 8 hours or until tender!  I paired it with string beans. Caroline and Alyssa gave it good reviews and it tasted quite delicious! Then we a drank hugemous beer….and my rationality skills were at its best…just one large beer. Okay I lied I had 2 (I suck)…and then drank lots of water and was perfectly sober and jolly for my race the next day. H St Biergarten Haus is great for a small group of good friends who enjoy pricy beer 🙂 Cheers

Biergarten Haus-- being germanish

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New PR and New November

Feelin a lot better! Wednesday I hit a new PR time for my 10k on my 7 mile run. Running up hilly Rosslyn is definitely making me stronger and running about between an 8/9 min mile pace on a flat level! Ya still not fast but fasterrrr. Ran a decent 5k last night…quads hurt a bit. Gonna indulge in a low key Friday night-grab one beer (yes one beer! Allagash white-so delicious) with the co workers then home to prep for a pot roast early tomorrow. Never made a pot roast haha but I am craving it. Caroline and her friend Alyssa are going to come over for an early dinner before we head out to H St to the Biergarten. Sober November has commenced! I have resisted happy hours and drink infested parties this week. Go me- which makes me sound like a lush haha October was a ton of fun but ready for a cleanse! Half marathon is a great excuse to not sound lame- even though I know I’m already totally awesome- duh!

Side note- writings this in the cafe across from the office and secretly jealous of this group of undergrad girls doing school work.

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Just keep following the heart lines on your hand…Keep it up, I know you can

I am finally feeling a bit better, my cozy sweaters, rest, hot tea, chicki soup, and that raspberry applesauce (oh so yummy),—and DayQuil helped a lot.  My spirits perked also when I got a taste of Florence and the Machines new album Ceremonials on spotify today. I am pretty excited to run to track 9 Heartlines tonight! There wasn’t a good version available online–but spotify or download it. The whole album is pretty sweet.  🙂 Looking forward to the National Race to End Womens Cancer this Sunday.