20 something on the run

just living, running, and eating it all up in DC!

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The 5am latte and a bit of folk for a Saturday morning…

By 8:30 am Saturday morning, I had made a pot roast and homemade latte…woah nelly who am I?! I was up early enough to catch VH1’s Jump Start (lol reminds me of college getting ready for class) and discovered a new band The Head and the Heart-Lost in My Mind . It was catchy, cute, fallish music-I spotified later.  Anyways, Trader Joes Cookbook Skinny Dish-so far as been a hit! I tested out the 5am latte or in my case the 8am latte.

The 5am latte:

1 Cup of vanilla almond milk (soy and lactose free woot!-because I can’t eat soy)

Dash of cinnamon

brew your favorite coffee or espresso (I used Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut)

Just microwave the almond milk with cinnamon for 1 minute and then pour the coffee on top! Yummmm

There was one lonely apple left… I made oatmeal with apple chunks, almonds, and a splash of almond milk  for some pre-run fuel! Ran a light 3 miler before race day.

5 am latte and oatmeal

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Crockpottiness-Pot Roast

In an attempt to be domesticated I made my first ever pot roast. Janelle let me use her “baby” aka the crock pot.

Last Friday Night… (now I’m singing Katy Perry in my head) I had a drink with the coworkers and had an epiphany mid sip my Allagash White.  I spotted the Whole Foods right next to Circa in Foggy Bottom and  remembered I had my living social deal $10 for $20. JACKPOT… I needed ingredients for my promised pot roast.

You need:

well a crock pot…

3-4 lb chuck roast

4 smallish potatoes- unpeeled and cut in chunks (despite being Irish I am not the hugest potato person)

3-4 carrots- cut up

1 large yellow onion cut in half

1 cup of beef broth

salt and peppaaaa

How to you say?

Season the roast with salt and pepper (or any other spice you like I used a bit of basil). Then add a bit of olive oil to a pan on your stove up to brown the roast on both sides. Remove the roast once it browns on both sides. Add the beef broth to pan to heat. Place your diced veggies in the crock pot…

Veggies.. Yumm

Place the roast on top of the veggies, and pour the broth on top of the roast.

Chucky chuck roast 😉

Cook on low for about 8 hours or until tender!  I paired it with string beans. Caroline and Alyssa gave it good reviews and it tasted quite delicious! Then we a drank hugemous beer….and my rationality skills were at its best…just one large beer. Okay I lied I had 2 (I suck)…and then drank lots of water and was perfectly sober and jolly for my race the next day. H St Biergarten Haus is great for a small group of good friends who enjoy pricy beer 🙂 Cheers

Biergarten Haus-- being germanish