20 something on the run

just living, running, and eating it all up in DC!

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I am a walking catastrophe…

also a sitting catastrophe.. my hair is in my tea. Setting the scene for this post: This morning en route to the office I had a minor mishap-I looked like I wet myself.

But let’s rewind… last night I came home from our work HH dinner (or diet coke and salmon terriyakki), decompressed watching Modern Family, and thought about what I should pack for my whole week off from work! My self diagnosed ADD went from pack my bags to pack my lunch….and dinner. I really hate to waste food and money so I thought I would make the rest of the chicken breast I had left in the fridge before it goes bad. I am heading to a movie after work with a friend and wanted to avoid buying food (especially any greasy bar food) before the movie-there go packed dinner. Winning right? Not so muchhhh.

I just make the bus this morning… woot! I even got a seat. After I replied to Lettie’s e-mail, I feel a slight wetness on me. I think, “hmmm what is that?” My lunch bag totally leaked and when I picked it up (bad choice)… EVERYWHERE all down my pants (maybe even on the women sitting next to me…sorry lady but she was kinda half sitting in my seat :-/)!

“Jesus, Mary and Joesph…”, I think.  I don’t panic. I don’t even sigh or hang my head. I do take off the pashmina I slung around my neck last minute and let it hang over my legs to cover all the wetness. I get off the bus and quickly try to determine “Can I pull off these wet pants all day?  How bad is it? Ohh it’s bad.  People saw even with my attempt to conceal the wetness?  They definitely think I wet myself at almost 25. Am I going to smell? Am I going to have to go home and change?” My prepared save money/eat well plan backfired, or so I think.  I basically run across the street into the McDonalds bathroom to take humiliating coverage and access the situation. I have determined:

1) I am going to be late for work.

2.) My love for hand driers in this situation. Thank goodness no one walked in as I balanced on one leg trying to dry each pant leg off.

3.) Nothing manages to be wet in my bag but the bag… the contained is dry.. nothing else is wet! Banana, oatmeal, yogurt, and salad with chicken breast! ALL DRY. I KNEW I LOCKED THAT CONTAINER ON RIGHT! How does this happen? I’m infuriated. I aggressively chuck the lunch bag in the trash like I was trashing an ex boyfriends photo–the rage… the fury.

4.) BUTTTTT… I have another bag in my purse– my Navy Five Miler packet pick up bag! I knew it was a good idea to buy that large purse and leave way too much junk in it.  Stash the lunch and dinner in there and out the door.

5.) Now…I am looking at my lunch and thinking… I don’t even want you after all of that. I feel the more prepared I tried to be the more of a hot mess I become. Happy Thursday!