20 something on the run

just living, running, and eating it all up in DC!


Reflections of Marathon Training…

Welp it’s almost here… only 3 days until the Anthem Richmond Marathon.
It’s been real my friends.

18 weeks, over 380 miles, 2 pair of shoes, 7 pounds lost, countless gallons of water drank, and one girl ready to run 26.2 miles.

It’s had its ups and downs. The first half of training I struggled BIG TIME. It wasn’t until the Air Force Navy Half Marathon where I gained total confidence. Steph and I ran the whole half together at an easy 10:40 pace. I felt great the entire time. The route was scenic, flat, not too crowded, and the weather was perfect-a crisp 60 degrees. Crossing the finish line knowing that I could have gone further was an unbelievable feeling. Although, my time was the worst I have ever had, my goal was only to feel like I could go on further.

The weather was getting cooler, the runs were longer, and my pace was faster. A 12 mile run seemed normal and almost enjoyable compared to the 18 and 20 I ran. Two days after I completed the 20 mile run  I got some disappointing news–Steph dropped out of the marathon. While she is still running the half, she didn’t train enough for the full and did not want to risk injury. While I understood her concerns and accepted it- I panicked! I even cried in my office lol  (side note I was having a bad/exhausting/ stressful week–I got in car accident, bf’s towed car, work was terrible, I was preparing for two of my best friends weddings that week and the week after, and things were going wrong everywhere!–physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted).

All I could do was move forward. I told myself I was still going to run the full. I had made it 20 mile by myself, “what is another 10K?”. I guess I was most scared of was losing a support system throughout the 26.2 miles–aka someone to bitch and laugh with when it got realllll bad. I thought we would run the first half together…. well the course splits after mile 2– so I am going solo… solo–but I am okay with it. I didn’t think I could do it on my own but I can. I have had support all along the way anyway.

Overall, my family and friends have been really supportive and probably can’t wait until this over- so I can stop reference running or the word marathon (I really tried not to be that person and believe me I am almost tired of talking about it lol) my mother can stop worrying, and I can add that shiny medal to my collection.

In just a few days I can take down the my training chart I have stuck to the fridge, where I cross off every completed run (my roomies will prob appreciate some room on the fridge! Knowing me that will stay there along with Kristen’s wedding invite from May). While this “marathon running business” as my mom calls it, has consumed my life though I am glad I made it this far. I learned I am much busier then I thought I was, I can be very in control, I am mentally strong, I miss happy hour (I went to happy hour for the first time last week–it was enjoyable and I didn’t feel guilty at all for not running-VICTORY!), I need a hair cut… and new pants, half marathons are AWESOME, I am a bit of a crazy pants-26.2 is for the twice as crazy, I got some abs (shhhwwing), I definitely could have ate more, I have to believe in myself, and I still do like running and will continue. I don’t know about another marathon in the near future, but I am ready for my first.

READY…SET….(to be continued).

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16 days until the Navy-Air Force Half…

Well here we are…. almost 2 months and 142 miles down in my training.  I will admit it, “This is hard.”

The hills, humidity, and heat are getting a little easier each day.

The early morning runs,  the long runs, and eating more pizza then I should has been overall pleasant.

Yesterday,  my co-workers chuckled as I stood waiting for the elevator dressed in my running gear and my new Camelbak (btw I like it better then the hydration belt… and I look more athletic).

“Where are you going?” they asked.

I nonchalantly rattled off, “Oh, I am running home….I need to do 3 miles. I live a little more then 3 miles from work. It will take me about 30 mins to get home and I have dinner plans with Steph,  soooo I don’t have time otherwise.” Much more information then they needed or cared for.

The run overall sucked. I ran directly into the sun and heat and entirely uphill. Halfway through,  I decided I was going to reward myself with something delicious…pasta and wine on the outdoor patio at Faccia Luna it was.

Steph and I got talking about the half we have coming up in a just 16 days. The good new is… Steph is about on the same level as me.  Speed has not been the goal, but endurance and no injuries.

Oye! I ran 12 miles from SE to NW in lovely flat DC on Saturday.  Bf was nice to map out of a run for me. I felt like Dora the Explorer with Camelbak, half of a Cliff bar,  annnnd the map. Let’s be real… I make any wrong turns and I’ll end up in Anacostia. I think I chanted ‘backpack, backpack’ many times when I took a drink. (I have to keep myself entertained)

It was overall enjoyable but slow. It took me 2 hrs and 25 mins… ouchhh.  It was a test. I had not run 12 miles since March. I can run it fine… but I just don’t feel stellar. Maybe it’s the mindset that I am only halfway there in training… 13… and I have double that on Nov 10th! YIKES!



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Quest for a new PR

Phewww… time is flying.  I can’t believe it’s Februaryyyyyyyyy.

My next half marathon will be here in almost a month. I am very excited to be running a half in DC again and I loveeee St. Pattys Day. I’d like to break under 2:20!

With that said…I have been making some slight changes in my lifestyle.

Confession: I signed up for Weight Watchers about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

Why? To monitor excess sugar and alcohol. I don’t have the discipline to use a free resources because I won’t take it seriously or will cheat. If  I am putting money into something I will want to see results.

What is that saying 21 days until something becomes a habit?

It’s not really about the lbs though.  I’d like to lose at least 10 right now, but cutting the fat and toning is where its at. I have a lot of muscle and solid build. Fitting well in my size 6 jeans… they are already fitting better!

Results thus far-
inch off the waist
minus 5 lbs
and improved skin!
yes, I do feel better too


1.) Drinking a lot more water!

2.) Cut down on drinking ahh ahhh uh ahh alcohol baby ! It would be unrealistic to cut it out completely… I do enjoy a good beer/wine/cocktail! I think my boss judged me last week for only having two drinks at my celebratory sales dinner.  “Are you sureeeeee you don’t want anything else!?”

Drinking is hard because at my age… it’s how we socialize. Happy hours, dating, parties, weekend outings, celebrations, even that I’ll just have a beer or glass…ahem.. bottle of wine after a rough day.

I went to happy hour last week with some friends. I had a Hoegarten and then stuck to a diet coke and water the rest of the time.  It was amazing how much everyone could pound drinks down their throat and I used to do that too…on a Thursday night.  Dolla dolla fifty draft beers! Not that I was stalking my friends alcohol intake or judging… but I thought wow they just consumed over 50 WW points. Then I judged myself and thought, “don’t be that girl… it’s just too many calories!” But really it is!

3.) I have cut down on sugar. Slowly by surely by-eliminating it from coffee, not touching the candy bowl at work, and passing on free cupcakes at work ahhhh. I’ll treat myself to something once a week. Saturday, Flavia and I made a blueberry tart (tasted kinda like a scone)-very yummy!

4.) Less coffee more green tea!

5.) My diet is pretty good but I have incorporated a more balanced diet getting more veggies in it.

Sunday- 10 Mile Run to the Mount Vernon Trail and back. I was well rested and the weather was gorgeous! I beat last weeks 10 mile run time by 3 minutes and beat my 10K PR.

Navy and Marine Memorial-My turnaround point.

Monday:  I made Janelle go to Kerri’s kick your ass spin class with me. She loved it and Kerri even commented how she was impressive Janelle stayed the entire time.

Tuesday: Feeling a bit stressed, I did a 4.15 mile run with a 1 mile fartlek (speed training) drill around the track. I was pumped and it was the first time I passed everyone and even lapped someone on the track. For not being very fast that was a boost in mood! Overall pace of 9.47.

Incorporated some arms, lunges, and squats. I have added more weight training to my routine to build a stronger upper body.

Yesterday I was pooped. Missed trivia night but I needed to just to nothing. Well.. I did some abs.

Tonight: Networking happy hour and dinner date with Sarah!

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A new kind of adventure…

Last night I attended Road Runner Sports (Falls Church) 1st Thursday adventure run volunteer meeting. The meeting was hosted by my friends boyfriend, Nick who is the event coordinator for RRS.  I had actually met Nick at RRS at packet pick up for the Navy 5 miler.

A couple of weeks ago I met him again at a Caps game with Sam. I knew this this guy looked familiar and pinpointed where I knew him from-RRS!  “You sold me running shoes!”, I exclaimed while he was mid sip his beer. He laughed and said I knew you looked familiar.

Anyways, he went on to tell us about these upcoming adventure runs. The first Thursday of every month starting March 1-Nov 1, these adventure runs will take place. It reminds me a bit of the hashing but it’s definitely more of a scavenger hunt. Hashing was more following trails and running for beer. The adventure run, you actually receive a map of about 10 different locations to run to. You can pick whatever location you want to run to, and you definitely will not hit all 10. You have about an hour to hit up as many spots as you can and come back to the finish. They showed us a brief video of people running to locations and having to do something like slip and slide, run to this place for a raffle ticket, eat a cupcake at a local bakery, etc (the guy who is the founder of the run joked, ya we are really healthy!)

Here’s the break down on why it sounds cool:

1.) It’s 100% completely free-just sign up online and show up
2.) Now while it’s free- it also helps support local business. Great way of free advertising and gaining business!
3.) It’s something fun to do with friends, beats out the standard happy hour.
4.) Get a little exercise in.
4.) You have the chance to win free raffle prizes… You may have to try a new pair of the latest running shoes to earn a raffle ticket but still free!
5.) Free beer afterwards
6.) Celebration at one of the local bars after

Why I want to volunteer? Volunteers received awesome incentives for giving their time! FREEEEEE SHOES!!

Each month a volunteer completes a full shift (4:30pm-9:30pm) they will receive: (I am seriously contemplating taking three hours off from work for free shoes!)
1. A tech shirt from the sponsoring shoe brand for the month
2. 1 pair of tech socks by the sponsoring sock brand for the month
3. 1 credit towards a new pair of shoes (any brand, any price, only in-stock product). 3 credits=1 pair of shoes!!!!!!!!
4. Any extra items given away that month (sometimes RRS will have extra gift certificates, etc. available to distribute to volunteers)
5. Every 3 months attended volunteer will receive 1 raffle ticket for the grand prize, which will be drawn at the end of the year and revealed at the initial volunteer meeting.

It sounds like an awesome time and some different. Falls Church is a little bit further outside the city, but I think the turn out will improve each week. This is the first year they are doing the adventure run in VA. Thousands of people show up for the San Diego runs every Thursday.

Spread the word, March 1!

I have another little adventure experiment of my own… update soon!

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Let’s Hash it Out….

Yesterday: 8:50 AM

me: i’m doing a hash run with ben tonight…  kinda scared lol
 Shanna: hash run
  like smoking?
 me: lol noooo
 Shanna: picking it up
 Shanna: bahahahah
 me: think of it as- the kickball of running…. well…adventure running and then a bit of boozing
 Shanna: wait
  so you aren’t smoking
me: noooooo lol
Shanna: ohh it’s a run
 one of those scavenger type ones
 me: yea, exactly
 Shanna: ahhhh
  very cool
  is flavia doing it?
 me: i dunnooo.. haha ben does it.. he told me she did it once
 Shanna: does he smoke? for it
That’s right… Hashing has nothing to do with smoking…However, in case you are not familiar with hashing… it is a type of social/adventure running.  A scavenger hunt in which a group meets at a given spot and follows a trail. The trail can range anywhere from 2-6 miles. Markers based out of flour (yes, like flour you bake with) which will lead or mislead you to beer. Some beer drinking possibly during/after.
Sounds like my thing right? Running… beer… meeting new people. Sure, whyyyyy not!
I have heard of and witnessed it a bunch of times. Once coming back from a kickball my team was almost trampled by these fellow hashers. It was definitely intimidating- I thought I could never do that sprint for beer. I arrive at the Woodley Arms/Adams Morgan metro stop around 6:30pm. I immediately see a white arrow pointing straight ahead… Followed by another white arrow. I look ahead crossing the intersection of Calvert and Conn Ave and jackpot: people dressed in running gear.
I don’t spot Ben but head over anyways like a big girl and introduce myself to the one chick that is there, Rose.
Rose has hashed three time and introduces me to Rob, Will, and other first timers (or virgins as they call it) Sarah and Tiffany. Rose shows me the shady white van where we can drop off all our bags and coats and will meet us for beer at our first stop.
I spot Megan, a friend of friends who I know. Small world she is one of the hares that runs the hashes.
A guy about my age spots me eyeing his hydration belt. I think ” damn, this is serious I don’t have water. What have I gotten my self into.”

“Hi I’m JustSteve… you are?” (Great, I think… he probably thinks I’m checking him out. Sidenote- He was very fit though.)

I gave him the ‘come again‘ look and shake his hand, “Hi, I’m Colleen.”
“JustColleen?” he responds.
“Ugh yea? This is my first time here.”
“Awesome Justcolleen. Who brought you here?”
“My friend Ben”… I pause, nervous because Ben still wasn’t there but I knew he would be there soon. I regain consciousness, ” Ben… he’s Australian.”
“JustBen…Ohhh yeah!!, I know him.”
“Of course, everyone knows the cool Aussie. What is with this Just–business?”
JustSteve enlightens me stating after about 8-10+ hash runs you then are honored with a hash name.
“Can I offer you a beverage”, he gestures to his hydration belt. “I have whiskey, vodka, rum?”
Hah, I can’t believe I’ve mistaken Vodka for water.
“Whiskey”, I answer without even blinking. Who am I? I keep saying this silently to myself…
“Nice choice!”, he exclaims.
I squirt a drip in my mouth and give a little shimmy shake. It warmed me up a little.
He tells this is the first time he has used the hydration belt-counterproductive I thought. It didn’t arrive in time for his
“What marrath… and with that Ben shows up.
Pardon…JustBen shows up. He arrives pumped and ready to go. We are chatting and catching on the holidays, life, and then…JustSteve catches me  not paying attention and publicly calls me out.  “JustColleen people want to know you are a virgin sooooo you better go around and tell them”, he smirks.
I smile and continue my conversation with Ben and am interrupted again.
VIRGINS OVER HERE“, a loud voice exclaims.
#JustSteve waves me goodbye while the virgins gather to learn the trail mark legend and introduce themselves to the group.
It would be easier to explain the trail markers if I had gotten pictures of them… but I didn’t want to look like a complete tool…getting pictures for my blog! I’m already loser virgin.
PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND WHO MADE YOU CUM HERE…yes, that is not a typo…this group prides themselves on being sophomoric and silly. I thought kickball was a meat market… hashers brought a whole new level to the “let’s pretend we are athletic, drink , and then get laid” group.”  Actually, you do have to be some what athletic for this.. kickball not so much.
I’M JUSTCOLLEEN AND JUSTBEN MADE ME CAM… I yell then cringe with a weak smile.
The group chants and sings some silly ceremonial song, which involved wiggling your butt and singing with your tongue out. I eye JustBen and JustPatrick and they laugh, with a “welcome to hashing” look.
Abruptly the group dashes off…. or should I say hashes off?
Thank goodness, Flavia bought Ben a headlight because within 5 minutes of the run we were lead into a dark, muddy trail.
I laughed at Ben, ” Ewww,  I knew it was a good idea to keep my old running shoes.”
Ben says, “I’m glad you did too”, in a serious voice  as we slip in slide in mud.

“Last week a guy wore new running shoes and they made him drink a beer out of his shoe! They hate posers!”Hah, well I hope my Philadelphia Marathon bag doesn’t make me a victim. I wasn’t trying to pose… everything just fits my stuff perfectly. It was secretly stashed in the rickety white van of beer and bags- I should be good, right?

We followed a misleading trail about twice… and got back on target… only to be lead into a longer, darker and muddier trail. I struggled to keep up without slipping. Ben was a little a head but two girls were guiding lights behind me. I would warn them “puddle”, “slippery”, “careful”!

My shoe came untied and I had to stop, but quickly caught up. The trail was incredibly hilly and a bit dangerous. We walked up to the top where we finally reached a street and dashed off again. At this point I had no idea where I was, how many miles we had run- I figured it was a least 2.5 at that point, I had no music to bop to, and  I was definitely not used to running with guys. I am not a fast runner. I know that and it’s okay but I was running my heart out like I was running away from an attacker. The adrenaline was pumping and I was sweating. Thank god at least I was getting a work out out of it!
Ben lead the way and there were three girls right on my tail following behind. Ben spots a marker.. “BN”- Beer Near.Thank GOD, I think. Beer is the last thing I wanted though. I just wanted to rest.
We find the rest of the group, laughing and chatting with beers. Ben introduces me to more hashers… I forget their names but they were Justs too. The one guy was the guy who had to drink beer out of his shoe. They asked me if I was enjoying it and said well it’s not over… we are only 3/4 in. Oh Christ…
Ben hands me a cup of beer… ugh at least it’s carbs, I joke. I slowly sip on it while three dudes chug at least three cups (they were small cups but still…I’m not trying to vom)
The last part is the easiest though, Ben reassures me.
We start out together and break apart. Running through alleys, past restaurants, mislead trails, more alleys and restaurants.
A sign for Beer Near uplifts my soul and I hear a “Colleen?” It’s Ben.. how did I get in front of you?
We both cheers with a beer to our 4.7 mile run. Reconnected with some of the people I met early, who congratulated me on finishing my first hash.
I introduce myself to Wax on Whack Off, my brother in laws sister’s friend. (<-that is a mouthful?)
“Wax on Whack Off I’m JustColleen… You know Heave Ho?
I never thought I would actually meet him, when Pat texted me that Megan’s friend is a hasher too. There were 60+ people… small world

The management staff then made us form a circle and chug a beer in some park near Dupont.The ceremonies continued with the naming of hashers who completed their 10+ runs.

It started to get a little bit long and cold. More singing and chanting to close the hash.
Ben and I opted out of going to the bar. It was already about 10 o’clock and we were far from Atown.
Sleep was calling.
Nontheless, I was entertained.

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2012.. Let’s Sparkle

Wow, 2011 went out with a bang… and I really had a wonderful year. I learned a lot, ran a ton, let go and opened up a lot…

I have been a bit MIA…well… I will blame it on all the wonderful people in my life. My social life sky rocketed in December… (and was sick for about a week and half too with a nasty cold). The fun stuff though: My best friends here in DC threw me an awesome surprise 25th birthday. It was incredible, and while I was told only minimal details of my surprise (a party at the W Hotel rooftop)…only to “wear something sparkly and be ready at 5 on December 10th”… I think the mostly sparkly thing I wore was my smile (and no I did not use whitening strips 😉 )

Love them!! They are the best

Most of the time birthdays come and go… and I honestly really dislike my birthday. It’s cold and dreary and often not a priority for anyone, even myself with the preparations of the holidays. It was beautiful of my friends to make ME feel special and loved going into my 25th year.

My 24th year was everything I wanted- I ran two half marathons, traveled, had fun doing almost anything and everything, dated, cooked, baked, wrote, challenged myself and often caught myself in moments thinking, ‘I really like the person I have become, the people that are in it, and the life I live.’


Cheers to Another Year!

I often dread New Years Eve… this year I was pretty excited.

What did I do? I pretty much crash one of my best friends sisters weddings with my good friend Mike.  Lettie said, her family technically invited us to join. Nonetheless, we had a blast dancing and it was a nice change-not going out with 50 people, coordinating cabs and awful lines-just me, Lettie, Christian (Lettie’s Fiancee) and Mike. I have known Lettie and Mike, since high school and while we don’t always see each other- Lettie lives in TN now and Mike is in the Navy in San Diego, they remain two important people in my life and I couldn’t imagine not being able to call either of them. We always pick up where we left off.

                                                                                                                                                   Lettie and me


                                                                                                                                               Mike and me


I had a couple of really fun options for New Years- a cool concert, a PJ party in VA, a house party in DC, an extravagant night at the Gaylord, a weekend up in the Poconos– I know fun people 🙂 I am glad I made the choice I did. Usually, when the countdown begins 10…9…. 8 … my stomach usually drops and I think. “‘Oh God… another year has gone by…another sentimental New Years moment of feeling a tad alone.”  I didn’t though, I felt… sparkly, alive and anticipating 2012. I have a good life with incredible people in it.

New Years Day came with laughter and fun and zero hangover! Can’t say the same for Mike… who I think was still drunk until at least 2pm the next day.

2012…I want to continue to be more of risk taker. In the past, I have felt a lot that I hold back due to  fear of failure or the possibility of disappointment. This year I want to continue, living for me and doing what I really want and ya to sparkle a little more.


Boxing 101

This just confirmed: I have zero upper body strength.

Last night, Diana and I bundled up and ventured out into the arctic cold to our first boxing class.

We were greeted by a nice staff who didn’t judge us first timers. We filled out some paperwork and questionnaires. One question asked, “When were you in the best shape of your life?” I thought about it, smiled and marked down, “Now!”

We learned to wrap our wrists and knuckles the proper way to prevent injury. We were looking pretty tough!

Class started with 100 jumping jacks which transported me back into grade school gym class, yet this was no dodge ball game.

Multiple lunges, jumping jacks, high knees, more jumping jacks, jump squats, and push ups- not the girl kind either. This is when I learned I had zero upper body strength. I wish I could snap that member questionnaire form back again and put goal: “to actually do proper push ups.”

Everyone was dripping sweat and we hadn’t even put our gloves on. Diana and I gave each other the “this is going to be one long ass hour look.”

Our instructor, who I assumed would actually be instructing us by boxing himself just yelled things like “25 jumping jacks, one two one two, uppercut, eight punches, etc.

He definitely called me out as the newbie when I couldn’t quite master this punching pivot move… Neither could 95% of the class though!

It was definitely a challenge but Diana and I are going back for round 2 tonight!

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Phil a delphiaaaaaa Marathon Weekend!

Friday night- I packed my bags and was headed home for a whole 9 days. I haven’t been home this long or taken off more then 3 days of work at a time since college break… needless to say I was counting down the days all week. I arrived home around 10:30pm on Friday and was greeted with a nice glass of champagne all before I put my bags down.  I caught up a bit with the parents but was ready for bed.

Saturday-My dad poked fun of me that I brought my own pre-race food with me at breakfast, “You brought your own food?” (I am not that person but I guess I was). Mom and I did a little birthday shopping before she dropped me off at Paoli Train Station so I could head into Philly to get my race packet. I actually met this girl on the train who went to the same high school. She graduated a few years earlier but must have overheard me talking to my sister about the marathon. “You’re running tomorrow!? That’s awesome!” she said and we and we wound up talking the whole way. She was headed to DC of all places.

I arrived at the Pennsylvania Convention Center around 5:30pm… grabbed the packet… (persuaded a volunteer to let me switch my tech shirt for a smaller size) and headed to my friend Mary’s apartment. Money was well spent- the goodie bag was awesome.

Getting pumped at packet pick up

Mary graciously hosted me overnight-not only hosted me overnight, but made me chicken parm with penne pasta to help me carb load, AND planned a post brunch with all our friends and some of my family! She’s so awesome and a great cook. We picked up some supplies for the brunch the next day I made the french toast souffle again. She made a great egg cassarole (my mom went crazy over it… still gotta get the recipe). It was nice to catch up with her and our friends Alix and Michelle that night and relax. Alix’s friend Aliyah was also running the half the next day… we chatted like giddy girls on what we were wearing the next day, eating for breakfast (both oatmeal and banana!) and  agreed to meet and walk together to the start line. I laid everything out for the next day. It was like getting ready for the first day of school but it took me a little while to get to bed because I was excited (I even sprung out of bed at 4:46am thinking it was go time…. thankfully I had another hour of sleep).


Sunday: 5:45 am it was game time! I geared and fueled up and headed out the door at 6:15am. The weather was perfect, it was a little below 50 degrees-zero humidity. I was pumped! I have never seen a city more awake at 6:15am.. “GOOD MORNINGGGG GOOD LUCK TODAY!”, on going marathoners were greeting me. I met Aliyah at 22nd and Chestnut (where we would later run by around mile 7) We were both excited, yet a little nervous and kept telling each other, “It’s just running… it’st just going for a long run.” We bonded with strangers and first time marathoners in the neverending porta potty line.

Art Museum..


Finallllllllllly around 7:35am it was go time.


Aliyah and I started together and then broke apart. We went at our own, yet similar paces. Dodging most people for the first couple of miles and taking in the scenery.

Good morning Mr Ben Franlin Bridge.. at Mile 2


This guy carried the flag the entire way...


I ran the first 7 miles effortlessly (it was like almost too good…)  I spotted Alix and Mary right around mile 7 waving and cheering me on!


Happy to see Mary!


My 10K time texted me (yes my mom signed up myself to track myself….accidently) that I was running  at a 10:34 pace and an estimate finish time would be 2:18 mins. AWESOME, just where I wanted to be… but could I keep it up? I text my family who was on their way and planned on meeting me around mile 10 in Fairmont Park, “Half way done.” My mom called a bit paniced, “Ugh, your halfway done?… okay haa well we are on the Expressway!” I didn’t think I was going to see them… luckily miles 8-9 were quite hilly and almost everyone was walking as we entered Fairmont park. NOOOO DO NOT WALK!.. I pushed up the hill and read the movitation signs… “Almost there! GET that Hill!” ” This blows”,  I thought.

I text my bro in law on where to find them-“at the avenue of the republic… once you hear the drums you’ll see us.” Turning around the bend (good thing I took my headphones out…) I spotted Mom (eagerly jumping with a sign that said “GET IT GIRL!”), Chrissy, Patrick and Maura. Mom jumped me while I was still running, Chrissy threw her hands up in the air like a crazy person, while trying to get a photo, and Patrick ran with Maura beside me to wish me good luck as I finished up the last three mile. Poor Maura she had no clue what was going and thought everyone was running away from something scary.

“Last three miles…it’s just a 5k. Piece of cake”, I thought….well it wasn’t. I was starting to crash and get grumpy at mile 11.

My mom called me to tell me they had parked near Mary’s apartment. “Where are you?!” she said.

“Mile 11… I think”…I sluggishly said.

“Still!?” (thanks a lot mom.)

I was started to feel defeated but laughed when Patrick sent me this text:  a picture of a four pack of Allagash White-“your prize but you gotta finish strong.”

I slugged back some water and popped a caffeeine gel despite the fact my stomach hurt. I wanted to vomit, but I think I just needed to hydrate.

The signs seperating the full marathoners and the half were encouraging. “At least its over in a mile”, I told myself reaching mile 12….”26.2 thats for suckers!”

The crowds were wild heading toward the finish for over a 1/4 mile. I gave it all I could and sprinted and sprinted…. and sprinted…. I think I actually shouted, “WHERE THE HELL IS THE FINISH?!” as strangers cheered me on. “YOU GOT THIS COLLEEN!!” “GO COLLEEN, ALMOST THERE”.

“Wait are my friends here? How do they know my name?” I thought.  Then it registered.. my bib had my name on it (ohh, that’s why they do that. Hah good idea).

I remember smiling big for the camera as I crossed the finish. I’ll be excited when that photo is e-mailed to me hah.

Final Time: 2:25…. I was a little dissapointed (not gonna lie). I ran my first half in 2:22.

Post race

Brunch at Marys was awesome. I got to catch up with all my family and friends from home. I am really blessed for my health, happiness, friends and family (they are LE BEST!)


Maura tried stretching.. for about .05 seconds

My godson Liam and I


Liams car is a lot cooler then your medal Aunt Coll

On sad note: two runners died of apparent heart attacks at the marathon. One was a 21 year old male after he crossed the half marathon finish. Another was a 40 year old male who collapsed 1/4 mile before the finish. Thoughts and prayers with their families.

Good news: I am not hurting today!

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Grab your bag and grab your coat…we are headed north!

October is an incredible month. I think we all agree, the leaves are changing, it’s perfect running weather, pumpkin spiced lattes  are in hand and other pumpkiny things are such a delite! PA is exceptionally beautiful  this time of the year.  It was time for my friend Flavia and I to take a trip back home to West Chester, PA for the weekend.

We left DC around 7:30pm to void some of the traffic… someee…(DC was just rated number 2 out of the top 10 cities with the worst traffic! Oh joy!).  We arrived around 10:30pm and were both a bit hungry.  I bought  Hodgson Mill Store Insta-Bake Whote Wheat Pancake Mix. I opened the fridge only to find.. dun dun nnnnn…Cinnamon Sugar Butterspread. I was not surprised my mother bought this. She and butter are BFF. I just didn’t know this existed! It paired perfectly with our whole wheat pancakes and syrup.

The next morning Flav and I did a few errands and grabbed a quick lunch. Then it was off to Highland Orchards to meet some of my sisters and their loved ones for apple picking! Lot of apples were on the ground already, and myself and the family were slipping and sliding everywhere. It was quite the site… poor baby John kept wiping out (it was kinda hilarious though!)

Gettin those apples!

Flav and I at Highland Orchards!

John picking apples!

We grabbed some hot cider along with apple cider donuts!! Chrissy and Patrick had us  all over for some grilled chicken, salad, and mac and cheese. Patrick poured some of his home brewed beer (Flav seemed to be a huge fan!) and the rest of the ladies opted for mulled apple wine (potent!). It was a nice time to catch up and relax.

Unfortunately, Amish country is not a happenin place on Sundays (we missed out on pumpkin cookies at Shady Maple– but probably for the best!) Flavia and I headed to Valley Forge Park for a scenic and historic bike ride. Neither of us had ridden a bike in years but it felt great to get moving and there were no injuries ;). After we headed to Iron Hill Brewery in town and had yummy harvest salad for lunch. Then it was back to DC for the work week. Now it is time to get cookin with all those apples!

Riding in Valley Forge Park