20 something on the run

just living, running, and eating it all up in DC!

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Quest for a new PR

Phewww… time is flying.  I can’t believe it’s Februaryyyyyyyyy.

My next half marathon will be here in almost a month. I am very excited to be running a half in DC again and I loveeee St. Pattys Day. I’d like to break under 2:20!

With that said…I have been making some slight changes in my lifestyle.

Confession: I signed up for Weight Watchers about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

Why? To monitor excess sugar and alcohol. I don’t have the discipline to use a free resources because I won’t take it seriously or will cheat. If  I am putting money into something I will want to see results.

What is that saying 21 days until something becomes a habit?

It’s not really about the lbs though.  I’d like to lose at least 10 right now, but cutting the fat and toning is where its at. I have a lot of muscle and solid build. Fitting well in my size 6 jeans… they are already fitting better!

Results thus far-
inch off the waist
minus 5 lbs
and improved skin!
yes, I do feel better too


1.) Drinking a lot more water!

2.) Cut down on drinking ahh ahhh uh ahh alcohol baby ! It would be unrealistic to cut it out completely… I do enjoy a good beer/wine/cocktail! I think my boss judged me last week for only having two drinks at my celebratory sales dinner.  “Are you sureeeeee you don’t want anything else!?”

Drinking is hard because at my age… it’s how we socialize. Happy hours, dating, parties, weekend outings, celebrations, even that I’ll just have a beer or glass…ahem.. bottle of wine after a rough day.

I went to happy hour last week with some friends. I had a Hoegarten and then stuck to a diet coke and water the rest of the time.  It was amazing how much everyone could pound drinks down their throat and I used to do that too…on a Thursday night.  Dolla dolla fifty draft beers! Not that I was stalking my friends alcohol intake or judging… but I thought wow they just consumed over 50 WW points. Then I judged myself and thought, “don’t be that girl… it’s just too many calories!” But really it is!

3.) I have cut down on sugar. Slowly by surely by-eliminating it from coffee, not touching the candy bowl at work, and passing on free cupcakes at work ahhhh. I’ll treat myself to something once a week. Saturday, Flavia and I made a blueberry tart (tasted kinda like a scone)-very yummy!

4.) Less coffee more green tea!

5.) My diet is pretty good but I have incorporated a more balanced diet getting more veggies in it.

Sunday- 10 Mile Run to the Mount Vernon Trail and back. I was well rested and the weather was gorgeous! I beat last weeks 10 mile run time by 3 minutes and beat my 10K PR.

Navy and Marine Memorial-My turnaround point.

Monday:  I made Janelle go to Kerri’s kick your ass spin class with me. She loved it and Kerri even commented how she was impressive Janelle stayed the entire time.

Tuesday: Feeling a bit stressed, I did a 4.15 mile run with a 1 mile fartlek (speed training) drill around the track. I was pumped and it was the first time I passed everyone and even lapped someone on the track. For not being very fast that was a boost in mood! Overall pace of 9.47.

Incorporated some arms, lunges, and squats. I have added more weight training to my routine to build a stronger upper body.

Yesterday I was pooped. Missed trivia night but I needed to just to nothing. Well.. I did some abs.

Tonight: Networking happy hour and dinner date with Sarah!

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New PR and New November

Feelin a lot better! Wednesday I hit a new PR time for my 10k on my 7 mile run. Running up hilly Rosslyn is definitely making me stronger and running about between an 8/9 min mile pace on a flat level! Ya still not fast but fasterrrr. Ran a decent 5k last night…quads hurt a bit. Gonna indulge in a low key Friday night-grab one beer (yes one beer! Allagash white-so delicious) with the co workers then home to prep for a pot roast early tomorrow. Never made a pot roast haha but I am craving it. Caroline and her friend Alyssa are going to come over for an early dinner before we head out to H St to the Biergarten. Sober November has commenced! I have resisted happy hours and drink infested parties this week. Go me- which makes me sound like a lush haha October was a ton of fun but ready for a cleanse! Half marathon is a great excuse to not sound lame- even though I know I’m already totally awesome- duh!

Side note- writings this in the cafe across from the office and secretly jealous of this group of undergrad girls doing school work.