20 something on the run

just living, running, and eating it all up in DC!

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Sometimes I get a good feeling—24 miles in before taper time…

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah I get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no…

Listen NOW: Good Feeling-Flo Rida– Totally pumping this song up at the start of the Philly Half Marathon this SUNDAY!

Last Monday- I started off my long run (to make up for no long runs on Sat or Sun). I ran home from work (yes, I’m a freak but I got to use the flashlight application on my i-phone for a little!) I ran Gtown to the Lincoln, to WWII Memorial, to the Washington, to Memorial Bridge, to Trail to Roosevelt Island (never doing that again I was sprinting it was uber creepy and not safe) Rosslyn Hills to Ballston and back… It was 10 miles exactly- I am not gonna lie I amazed myself. I am becoming better at guesstimating  miles.

Quick Stop at the WWII Memorial... love this memorial

I have also learned that miles 7 through 9 are the worst. I am definitely on the struggle bus at that point. Chrissy called me right at mile 7 on Sunday and I was thankful that I could laugh at her. She was telling me about how she was super upset her hubby wanted the last of the leftover pizza for his friend.

Patty B: “Chrissy can’t you eat the Ellios pizza, Joe is coming over. We don’t have anyyyyy groceries, yet you just spent $250 on groceries”
Chrissy: “WHY DOES HE GET THE GOOD PIZZA! No really why don’t youuuu take the Ellios. Why do I get the crap pizza?!”

(Hilarious- I was laughing like a looney on Memorial Bridge and because I was a bit of a looney the night before…)

She felt better when I said I had a breakdown when trying to order Crazy, Stupid, Love on demand. It  wasn’t working, and was asking for a purchase pin number (what the hell is that?! I did not set that shit up!)… called Comcast through a little fit.  It takes a lot for me to get upset but I had moment. I am sorry but it was Friday and I was tired. All I wanted to do was get some pizza, bake some goodies, drink some wine, and watch Ryan Gosling… I mean the movie.  I LOATHE COMCAST!!!!! But the man was really nice and fixed the problem and agreed with me… that’s all I ask for when I am acting like a lunatic.

Knowing your closest people in life get looney sometimes is encouraging… well it was encouraging for all of mile 7. hah

11 miles were completed and I didn’t feel too defeated. I did have to grab a sugar free red bull before I went out to celebrate Kyle and Christophes b-day that night though.

You are probably thinking… hmm she can’t do math… 10+11=21 miles… I got up one morning before work and hit a 3 miler yay for not being so dark out any more due to daylight savings.

Phewwww bring on the taper time 🙂